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How to Rise From the Ashes in the Midst of Despair

Apr 24, 2017 | 10 comments

Have you ever felt like your life is on a downward spiral?

What is your response when you’re experiencing hardship?

Do you blame yourself?

Do you blame others?

Do you blame God?

How do you respond to these circumstances?

How do you rise out of the pit you’ve fallen into?

Do you know how to respond through the difficulties in your life?

As children of God we’re not immune to hardships and heartaches.

Most of us have experienced:

  • divorce
  • separation
  • loss of a job
  • anxieties
  • illness
  • suffering
  • broken relationships
  • bitterness
  • anger
  • loneliness
  • debt
  • hopelessness
  • sense of failure
  • the list can go on and on

God promises us He will see us through our difficulties.

He did not promise He would remove them.

“In that way you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For He gives His sun light to both the evil and the good, and He sends rain to the just and the unjust alike.” – Matthew 5:45

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in Me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33

God knows that real character is built through these hardships.

Spiritual maturity is grown through trials, tribulation, temptation, and testing.

Regardless of where you are today, you still have the privilege to be the person God wants you to be.

Tribulation in the Greek means increasing pressure.

Are Trials An Opportunity t0 Rise Or to Retreat?

Do you feel hopeless?

Do you feel like the pressure of your trials are increasing?

Sometimes we go through these circumstances and God doesn’t let us push away.

“We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we’re not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we’re not destroyed.”  – 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

Do you want an opportunity to mature spiritually or fight against God?

Are you going to ask God to remove these circumstances or are you willing to ask God why you’re here?

God will never let an opportunity to teach you something pass.

He wants you to rise not retreat.

He wants you to trust Him not give up.

He will never overlook a situation of testing and trials to teach you something that you need to know.

Something that will shape and mold you into His likeness.

Be honest with God and ask Him, “What are you attempting to teach me?”  

The moment you start asking this question, you will start seeing your circumstances in a new light.

Your focal point will shift towards being on God instead of being on yourself.

You will start seeing your trials as an opportunity for God to teach you something so that He can continue to accomplish His perfect will in your life.

Paul asked God three times to remove the thorn from his flesh.

But then shifted his focus and instead he started to thank and praise God for loving him enough to spiritually mature and build character in him.

What are you to do in these circumstances?

You are to be a conqueror and victorious.

“To know, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” – Romans 8:37

From God’s point of view, you’re a conqueror through Him who loves you.

Because of the relationship you have with God you can believe His truth.

You are not to believe the enemy’s lies.

What are you a conqueror over?

Spiritual warfare.

Lies of the Devil vs. the Truth of God’s Word

What does the enemy tell you?

The enemy tells you: You are worthless.

Truth speaks: You are valuable and made in His image. (Genesis 1:27)

The enemy tells you: You are a mistake.

Truth speaks: Even before you were born, there was someone thinking about you. (Psalm 139:16)

The enemy tells you: You are ugly.

Truth speaks:  You are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)

The enemy tells you: You are worthless.

Truth speaks: You are priceless and made for God’s glory. (Revelation 4:11)

The enemy tells you: You are dumb and a fool.

Truth speaks: You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. (Philippians 4:13

The enemy tells you: Everyone is against you.

Truth speaks: If God is for you then who can be against you? (Romans 8:31)

Though the enemy may attempt to afflict you with hindrances, you can rest knowing that your strength comes from one simple yet powerful promise.

The unshakable promise that says, “God will never leave you nor forsake you”. (Hebrews 15:5)

So be encouraged and know that because the Lord is your Rock and your salvation.

You can overcome the things of this world.

And you can rise from the ashes in the midst of despair.


  1. Stacy Meyers

    That was awesome message , thank you ..

  2. Stacy Meyers

    That was awesome message , thank you ..

  3. Angelina V. Lopez

    Thank you and God bless you.

  4. Angelina V. Lopez

    Thank you and God bless you.

  5. Trudy Macabeo

    Thanks for your encouragement

  6. Trudy Macabeo

    Thanks for your encouragement

  7. Mary

    Strong message of truth. Thank you!

  8. Mary

    Strong message of truth. Thank you!

  9. Margarette

    My is Margarette I’ve been asking for prayers as long as I can remember.but nothing ever change because of my sins I mean am a sinner please pray for me I really need it .im tired of sinning

  10. Margarette

    My is Margarette I’ve been asking for prayers as long as I can remember.but nothing ever change because of my sins I mean am a sinner please pray for me I really need it .im tired of sinning


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