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Family Dinners

Family dinners are short devotions that you can share around your dinner table at home. Come back here every week for new devotions that you can use to encourage your family to follow the way of Christ.

Family Dinner: August 13th-19th

An Attitude of Praise

Open your Bibles to Psalm 145 and read verse 3.

Why should we praise the Lord? We must praise Him because He is worthy to be praised! God’s mighty and loving works and His very character are worthy of all adoration and approval. Praising God includes blessing His name, honoring Him, thanking Him, celebrating His great works and rejoicing because of who He is!

Discuss the following questions together as a family!

1. Why should we praise the Lord? What does this mean?                        

2. King David wrote 73 of the Psalms, but what else do you know about King David? Why did he love to praise God?   

3. Take turns and share a GREAT testimony that God has done in your life!

Practical: Go around the table and share what God has been teaching you recently.

Family Dinner: August 6th-12th

Run with Joy // Paul

Open your Bibles to Acts chapter 20 and read verse 24 together.

A man once called Saul was transformed to a new man named Paul. He purposed to share the gospel to everyone and anyone no matter the consequence he would face from it. Paul was beaten, stoned, jailed and thrown out of cities. BUT Paul chose to Run with Joy because he did it all to share Jesus with everyone that he met!

Discuss the following questions together:

1. How is Joy different from happiness?                                        

2. Why do you think Paul continued to share the gospel even though he knew he was going to face physical persecution?                          

3. What are practical ways to be purposed to Run with Joy while we follow Jesus?

Practical: Go around the table and share your testimony of faith in Jesus Christ and how He has faithfully transformed your life!

Family Dinner: July 30th – August 5th

Run with Hope // Job

Open your Bibles to Job chapter 42 and read verse 10 together.

God allowed Satan to attack Job through everything that he had. Job lost his animals, his servants, and his children. Job then got really sick, his wife told him to curse God and his friends couldn’t even recognize him. BUT Job chose to Run with Hope because he knew the God he loved and served didn’t change even though his situation did!

Discuss the following questions together as a family:

1. Why do you think Job never turned against God? How could he still have hope?                                                                       

2. How can we be a good and godly friend to someone who is going through a rough time?                                                                   

3. Tell of a time that you went through a hard time and God provided hope. How did you get through it?

Practical: Meet with a friend/family member who is going through a hard time, encourage them and pray for them!

Family Dinner: July 23rd-29th

Run with Faith // Peter

Open your Bibles to Matthew chapter 14 and read verse 31 together.

Jesus met Peter and the disciples by walking on water in the middle of a scary storm. Peter saw Jesus but wasn’t sure it was really Him. Peter then chose to Run with Faith as he asked Jesus to help him to walk out to Him on the water.

Discuss the following questions together:

1. Peter started to sink when he took his eyes off Jesus and onto the storm around him. How can we keep our eyes on Jesus in the middle of a storm?                                                                

2. Would you have been one of the disciples staying in the boat or would you have been Peter asking Jesus to help him walk out towards in on the water?                                                               

3. Tell of a time that you took a step of faith and God blessed you!

Practical: Obey God and take the step of faith that He is asking you to take!

Family Dinner: July 16th-22nd

Run with Endurance // Nehemiah

Open your Bibles to Nehemiah chapter 4 and read verse 17.

The walls of Jerusalem were in bad shape. Nehemiah chose to Run with Endurance to rebuild the walls as he knew God was on his side. The whole city purposed to rebuild the walls together and they finished in 52 days. 

Discuss the following questions together:

1. Do you think Nehemiah could’ve rebuilt the walls by himself? What characteristics make an effective team?                                                  

2. What is the importance of community? How about when the opposition comes?                                                                          

3. Tell of a hard time that you went through and how you grew closer to God at the end of it!

Practical: Reflect on all that God has done, thank Him for specific things that He taught you to grow you in your faith.