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Family Dinners

Family dinners are short devotions that you can share around your dinner table at home. Come back here every week for new devotions that you can use to encourage your family to follow the way of Christ.

Family Dinner: July 9th-15th

Run with Obedience // Abraham asked to sacrifice Isaac

Open your Bibles to Genesis 22 and read verse 12 together.

Abraham and Sarah waited 25 years for a baby boy. Now, God told Abraham to sacrifice their son, Isaac. God wanted to test Abraham’s heart to show that there was no god before the one, true God which was also the first commandment. Abraham and Sarah chose to Run with Obedience even though they didn’t quite understand His plan!

Discuss the following questions together:

1. What is your most favorite toy, possession or person? What would it take to give it to someone else?                                   

2. The Bible doesn’t indicate any hesitation within Abraham. Why do you think Abraham was so willing to sacrifice Isaac?                   

3. Tell of a time that God asked you to do something difficult. Did you do it, if so, what got you through it? If, not, why not?

Practical: Pray and ask God to show you if you have anything that you love more than you love Him!

Family Dinner: July 2nd-8th

Run with Obedience // Abram & Sarai

Open your Bibles to Genesis chapter 12 and read verse 1 together.

God told Abram (soon to be renamed Abraham) to take a step of faith and go to a new area called Canaan with his wife Sarai (soon to be renamed Sarah). Even though they didn’t have all their questions answered, Abram and Sarai chose to Run with Obedience because they trusted and loved God. 

Discuss the following questions together:

1. What can we learn from Abram and Sarai on trusting God and taking steps of faith?                                                                    

2. What is one of God’s promises? Which one is your favorite, why?                                                                                             

3. Tell of a time that you obeyed God and He proved that His promises are good and true!

Practical: Memorize a Bible verse that reminds you of one of God’s promises! Example: “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5

Family Dinner: June 25th – July 1st

Victory! Running with Jesus

Open your Bibles to Hebrews chapter 12 and read verses 1b-2a (it starts with “…let us run…” and ends with “…of our faith”).

When we say “YES!” to following Jesus, our lifelong marathon race begins. We’re to run with our eyes on the prize, which is Jesus. Keep in mind that the VICTORY has already been won! Jesus paid the price on the cross and defeated sin and death. Jesus is our head coach!

Discuss the following questions together:

1.  Elementary kids, what did you learn at VBS this week?!                                                    

2.What are practical ways to keep our eyes on Jesus?                                                               

3. How can we keep our minds focused on the Victory that Jesus has already won?                                                                           

4. What is God currently teaching you as you RUN with Him?        

Practical: Purpose to (spiritually) RUN as a family; have spiritual conversations together, read God’s Word together, go to church and do the Challenges to Change as a family!

Family Dinner: June 18th-24th

Jesus’ “I am” Statements

Open your Bibles to John chapter 15 and read verse 5.

In Jesus’ seventh and final “I am” statement, He states “I am the vine.” Just like a leaf cannot grow without the branch and the trunk of the tree, so we cannot grow and live without Jesus. Jesus also says that we cannot bear fruit, or lead others to become followers of Jesus, unless we abide in Him, or obey and follow Him ourselves.

Discuss the following questions together as a family:

1. How would you define “abide”? What does it look like to abide in Jesus?                                     

2. Why does Jesus relate Himself to be a vine and us and the branches? What is He saying?                                              

3. Share about a time that God saved someone in your life.

Practical: GO! Abide in Jesus and bear much fruit. Share the gospel with someone at work, school or in your neighborhood.

Family Dinner: June 11th – 17th

Jesus’ “I am” Statements

Open your Bibles to John chapter 14 and read verse 6.

Now you may have heard of Jesus’ next “I am” statement before: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Jesus boldly and powerfully states that He is the only way to heaven, there is no other way. He also states that He is the truth, our God cannot lie! Lastly, He states that He is the life. Jesus is the Creator, He gives us breath in our lungs, and He offers us eternal life with Him.

Discuss the following questions together as a family:

1. Do any of the other “I am” statements help reinforce this sixth “I am” statement?                       

2. How can we trust God at His Word? How are we sure that He can never lie?                                     

3. From the Bible, how do we know that Jesus is also the Giver of Life and the Creator?

Practical: Purpose to follow Jesus. (Nonbeliever) Pray and ask Him into your life. (Believer) Pray and ask Him for help to trust Him in your unbelief.