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Family Dinners

Family dinners are short devotions that you can share around your dinner table at home. Come back here every week for new devotions that you can use to encourage your family to follow the way of Christ.

Family Dinner: June 4th – 10th

Jesus’ “I am” Statements

Open your Bibles to John chapter 11 and read verse 25.

Jesus is so powerful, He not only is raised Himself from the dead but He also raises another man from the dead, Lazarus. Jesus makes this fifth “I am” statement right before He raises Lazarus from the dead. Jesus always backs His Words up with action: “I am the resurrection and the life.”

Discuss the following questions together as a family:

1. What do you do when you are struggling to trust God and what He has already promised?                                            

2. Why is it so hard to trust God and His timing?                                                                             

3. Share about a time that you were so stuck on your situation, that you forgot to trust Jesus.

Practical: Sometime this week, together as a family, read the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead:     John 11:38-44

Family Dinner: May 28th – June 3rd

Jesus’ “I am” statements

John 10:11,14

Jesus then reinforces His previous “I am” statement with His next – “I am the good shepherd.” Jesus is telling us that He truly loves and cares for us, His sheep, protecting us, and even dying for us.

Discuss the following questions together as a family:

1. Jesus calls Himself the “good shepherd”, What is the role of a shepherd to a sheep?       

2. God knows us more than we know ourselves. What is something that God has revealed to you that you didn’t know about yourself before?

3. Share about a time that God has been good to you.

Practical: Share the good news that Jesus, the good shepherd, laid down His life for us, His sheep, so we could live!

Family Dinner: May 21st – 27th

Jesus’ “I am” Statements

Open your Bibles to John chapter 10 and read verse 9.

Shepherds would lay at the only entrance and exit of where their sheep would stay to protect them from predators (wolves). Jesus says “I am the door” as He proves that He is the only way to heaven, and there is no other way.

Discuss the following questions together as a family:

1. Why does Jesus say He is “the door”?               

2. How do we open “the door” to get access into heaven, eternal life with God?                           

3. Share about a time that you knew God was protecting you in a dangerous situation.

Practical: Reread this passage of scripture two more times this week, whether alone or as a family, and thank Jesus for being our protector, shield and fortress.

Family Dinner: May 14th – 20th

Jesus’ “I am” Statements

Open your Bibles to John chapter 8 and read verse 12.

Jewish rulers brought a woman to to Jesus to humiliate her as she was caught in sin. The people living for the Jewish law wanted to stone her and kill her, but not Jesus! Jesus didn’t push the woman away for her sin, but instead He loved her. The world and satan want to point out our every wrong when we follow Jesus, but Jesus Himself doesn’t condemn us and push us away. Jesus instead states His second “I am” statement as He brings lights to the darkness “I am the light of the world”

Discuss the following questions together as a family:

1. Why didn’t Jesus let the woman’s accusers throw stones are her?                                         

2. When we’re in sin, why should we run to Jesus?                                                                   

3. Share of a time that God redeemed and made something bad (dark) into something good (light) in your personal life.

Practical: Go around the table and share your testimony of what God has done in your life. Praise God for saving us sinners!

Family Dinner: May 7th – 13th

Jesus’ “I am” Statements

Open your Bibles to John chapter 6 and read verse 35 together.

“I am the bread of life” is the first “I am” statement that Jesus made to His disciples. Jesus had just fed 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Jesus is proving a point that when we believe in Him, we will be saved, never dying but living in heaven forever with Him!

Discuss the following questions together as a family:

1. How do you think the disciples reacted when Jesus said “I am the bread of life”?                 

2. When was a time that God showed up in a big way, making something out of nothing?              

3. Share about a time that God spoke but you didn’t quite understand what He was saying right away.

Practical: Sometime this week, together as a family, read the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000: John 6:1-14