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Family Dinners

Family dinners are short devotions that you can share around your dinner table at home. Come back here every week for new devotions that you can use to encourage your family to follow the way of Christ.

Family Dinner: April 30th – May 6th

Jesus’ “I am” Statements

Open your Bibles to Exodus chapter 3 and read verse 14.

God said this when He revealed His name to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM” and Moses was to tell the Israelites that “I AM has sent me to you.” The words “I AM” became a name for God to the Jews, so when Jesus makes an “I am” statement, He is identifying Himself as God.

Discuss the following questions together as a family:

1. Have you ever doubted God or what He has told you to do before?                                                   

2. Why do you think Moses wanted to know more about God?                                                               

3. Share about a time that God used you.

Practical: Pray and ask God for wisdom in something very specific in your life, and be honest with Him!

Family Dinner: April 23rd – 29th

“REJOICE!” Easter Series: Now what?

Open your Bibles to Romans 10 and read verses 14 and 15 together.

How will others believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ unless they are told about it? As believers, we’re called to go and tell the world about Him! Whatever is in our heart and whatever we’re passionate about, we don’t mind sharing. Pray, be faithful and let God do the rest!

Discuss the following questions together as a family.

1. The gospel translates simply to “good news.” What is the good news of Jesus? What is one way that you can share this good news, the gospel? 

2. What is hard about sharing the gospel? What are your fears? How can you fight through those fears in faith with the Word of God?

3. Tell about a time that you shared the gospel with someone. How did it go? What did you learn from it?

Practical: Go and make disciples of all nations, share the gospel with one person this week!

Family Dinner: April 16th – 22nd

“REJOICE!” Easter Series

Open your Bibles to John 19 and read verse 30 together.

“It is finished!” When Jesus took His last breath as He laid their on the cross, so did our old selves as believers. All of our shame, guilt, and condemnation is dead and we are a new creation because of Jesus’ blood shed on the cross for us! There is no more work to be done because we’ve been washed clean and redeemed in the blood of Jesus. Rest in knowing that He is yours and you are His!

1. Why do you love Jesus?                                                                                                                      

2. What is your favorite scripture and why?                                 

3. What is something that you haven’t been fully trusting God with?                                                                                               

4. What has God been teaching you this Easter season?

Practical: Rejoice! Share praise reports of how God has moved in your family recently. In response to His goodness, thank Him and worship Him together as a family.

Family Dinner: April 9th – 15th

“REJOICE! ” Easter Series: Happy Easter!

Open your Bibles to Matthew 28 and read verse 9 together.

After Jesus is resurrected from the dead and visits the disciples, one of the first words He says to them is, “Rejoice!” Just imagine, after all they’ve been through, and now Jesus fulfilling scripture through His life, death and resurrection, He was full of joy! This is the attitude we should have in living for Him as He died for us!

1. Imagine seeing Jesus resurrect from the dead. What would have been your reaction?                                                               

2. Why do you think Jesus told the disciples to “Rejoice!”? How do you understand this word “rejoice” as it is used in the Bible?   

3. Would you rather be there to see Jesus resurrect from the dead or to be born as a baby? Why?

Practical: Go and tell the Easter story to a non-believer family member, friend or coworker.

Family Dinner: April 2nd – 8th

REJOICE!” Easter Series (Palm Sunday/Good Friday week)

Open your Bibles to Luke 19 and read verse 40 together.

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey on “Palm Sunday”, the Pharisees wanted Jesus to rebuke and quiet down the people praising Him. What did Jesus do? He said, if the people don’t praise and worship Him, then the rocks, would immediately cry out and worship Him!

Discuss the following questions together as a family.

1. Why were the Pharisees trying to quiet down the people that were praising Jesus?                                                                     

2. Tell about a time that you were worried about something in your life instead of trusting God.                                                       

3. Why would the rocks would cry out and worship God if the people didn’t worship Him?                                                          

4. Tell about a time that you didn’t feel like worshiping God. How did God get you through it? 

Practical: Invite a nonbeliever friend/family member to a service on   Easter Sunday!