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Family Dinners

Family dinners are short devotions that you can share around your dinner table at home. Come back here every week for new devotions that you can use to encourage your family to follow the way of Christ.

Family Dinner: February 19th – 25th

LIFE Skill: Getting Closer to Jesus!

Open your Bibles to Hebrews chapter 10 and read verses 24 and 25 together.

We must remain in community to follow Jesus. Being a Christian by yourself is nearly impossible if even possible at all. We need one another to stir up love, for good works and encouragement. Everyone needs someone to laugh with, a shoulder to cry on, a friend to vent to, and someone to always point us to the truth of Jesus. Let’s purpose to Glorify God Together through L.I.F.E.!

Discuss the following questions together as a family.

1. Why do you think forsaking meeting with other Christians is the habit of many?

2. Why is it so important to be in constant community with other Christians? What could happen if we consistently neglect community? 

3. How has being in a Christian community been of beneficial to you in your Christian walk?

Practical: If your family is not in a LIFE group or a close Christian community group, join one this week! If you are already plugged in community, take it to the next level and dive even deeper! Men’s LIFE and Women’s LIFE (10am & 7pm) meet on Tuesdays at 7pm – the next is Feb. 21st. The Bridge, for young adults, meets on Friday nights at 7:30pm – the next is March 3rd.

Family Dinner: February 12th – 18th

LIFE Skill: Getting Closer to Jesus!

Open your Bibles to Matthew chapter 22 and read verses 36-39.

From all of the laws in the Old Testament, Jesus says these are the two greatest commandments: to love God with your whole being and to love the people around you.

Discuss the following questions together as a family.

1. What looks different about us if we give everything to love God? Do we look physically different than others?                        

2. What is a practical way to love God with our whole heart or our whole mind?                                                              

3. Has a stranger/neighbor ever randomly shown love to you? How did they do it? How did it make you feel?                            

4. Why do you think loving other people is so important to God?                                                      

5. Why do you think Jesus picked these two commandments as the most important and not any others?

Practical: As a family, choose a neighbor and choose a way to lovingly bless them. For example, bring them a warm meal and pray for them and their family!

Family Dinner: February 5th – 11th

LIFE Skill: Getting Closer to Jesus!

Open your Bibles to 1 Peter, chapter 1 and read verses 15-16. Reread verses 13-14 to help put the whole passage together in context.

God commands us to be holy just as He is holy. This holiness means to be set apart, different than the world/nonbelievers. If He commands us to do something, He also desires for us to obey. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead also lives inside of you as a believer of Christ, and He empowers us to live a holy life.

Discuss the following questions together as a family.

  1. Do you believe God is holy? How would you define holiness based off who He is? Do you know a Bible story that shows His holiness?   
  2. What are ways I can pursue holiness? What happens if I have an unholy moment?
  3. How has God shown up in a big, holy way in your life?

Practical: Encourage each other throughout this week in specific ways that you’ve seen each other grow because of the grace of God. (Example: “John, I’m encouraged by you prioritizing more time with Jesus, and less time watching tv. That is awesome, praise God!”

Family Dinner: January 29th – February 4th

LIFE Skill: Getting Closer to Jesus!

Open your Bibles to 1 Peter chapter 1 and reread verse 13 and now add on verse 14.

After we prepare, Peter challenges us to be obedient to God who now calls us His children when we accept Him into our lives. With a sober mind, obey God and His truth over what we used to think was okay (sin).

Discuss the following questions together as a family.

  1. What are practical ways to prepare ourselves as we follow God?
  2. Why is it so difficult to obey God sometimes?
  3. Testimony Time! What has God delivered you from?

Practical: This week, praise God for what He has done – delivering you out of a past situation. Thank Him through prayer and worship!

Family Dinner: January 22nd – 28th

LIFE Skill: Getting Closer to Jesus!

Open your Bibles to 1 Peter, chapter 1 and read verse 13 together.

We read the first letter from Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ. Peter, who lived life alongside Jesus tells us to “gird up the loins” or prepare for something difficult as following Jesus is no easy task. Then, Peter challenges us here to prepare our minds, to stay sober or clearheaded with our hope on the grace given to us by Jesus and His blood on the cross.

Discuss the following questions together as a family.

  1. What makes following Jesus so difficult? Why is it worth following Jesus rather than the world?
  2. What are ways that will help me to follow Jesus closer?
  3. What changes about me if I have my hope in Jesus and His free gift of salvation?

Practical: Share with a nonbeliever why following Jesus is the best decision you could ever choose!