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Family Dinners

Family dinners are short devotions that you can share around your dinner table at home. Come back here every week for new devotions that you can use to encourage your family to follow the way of Christ.

Family Dinner: November 6th – 12th

LIFE Skill: Kindness

Open your bibles to Titus 3 and read verses 4-6 together.

God is so kind to us, He sent His only Son to die for us and pay the price that we owed. This was not because of anything we did to earn His love, but God is kind to us because He loves us.

Discuss the following questions together as a family.

  1. Based on the scripture in Titus, how can we follow God’s example of being kind in our family, at school and at work?
  2. Can you remember a time that God was kind to you?
  3. As Christians, why should we be kind to others?

Practical: Pray, and as a family, choose 1 neighbor family and do an act of kindness for them. Don’t forget to tell them about WHY you’re doing it – because Jesus was first kind to us as He loves us!

Family Dinner: October 30th – November 5th

LIFE Skill: Longsuffering/Patience

Open your Bibles to 2 Peter chapter 3 and read verse 9 together.

God suffers long with us, which means He has an immense amount of patience with us as He unconditionally loves us. We are a stubborn and ignorant people, but He continues to pursue our hearts. It is His patient love that encourages us to repent from our sin and turn towards Jesus!

Discuss the following questions together as a family.

  1. How would you describe patience? Can you think of someone who is patient?
  2. When was a time that you were impatient?
  3. How has God been patient with you?

Practical: Share how God has been patient with you with someone at school or work.

Family Dinner: October 23rd – 29th

LIFE Skill: Peace

Open your Bibles to Ephesians 2 and read verse 14 together.

Jesus offers us PEACE with the Father because of His death on the cross for us.

Discuss the following questions together as a family.

  1. How would you define peace?
  2. How does peace feel?
  3. How has God given you peace?

Practical: Encourage a friend with a Bible verse about peace.

Family Dinner: October 16th – 22nd

LIFE Skill: Joy

Open your bibles to Psalm 16 and read verse 11 together.

Discussion the following questions together as a family.

1. How has prayer and worship given you joy?

2. How has God given you joy?                                                                                                  

3. How can you share this joy with others?

Practical: Explore the Bible and find what God says about joy.

Family Dinner: October 9th – 15th

LIFE Skill: The Fruit of the Spirit is LOVE

Open your Bibles to Galatians 5 and read verses 22 and 23 together.

Discuss the following questions together as a family.

  1. How would you define love?
  2. When was a time someone showed love to you?
  3. How has the family member to your left shown love recently?

Practical: When a family member shows love to someone else this week, encourage them and tell them about it.