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Family Dinners

Family dinners are short devotions that you can share around your dinner table at home. Come back here every week for new devotions that you can use to encourage your family to follow the way of Christ.

Repentance must come before REVIVAL!

Family Dinner: March 26th – April 1st

Open your Bibles to 2 Chronicles chapter 7 and read verse 14 together.


We’ve all been praying for a revival of many coming to know Jesus across Los Angeles. However, before we can see LA experience a revival, His church must humble themselves and repent! Those who know Jesus and seek His face, must turn away from the sin in their own lives. Our nation will never see revival unless our churches see revival. Our churches will never see revival unless we see revival in our own hearts and lives. Nothing will change until God’s people genuinely get serious about the calling of knowing God and making Him known.

Before you go through these questions:

  • Pray and Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal unrepentant sin in your life.
  • Confess it and turn away from it, seeking God instead!

Discuss the following questions below:

1. Why must we confess and repent from sin in our lives? Why is this important in our relationship with God?

3. How can this Easter be different? What can you practically do in your every day life to positively impact your relationship with Jesus?

Put it into Practice! Bring someone to Easter service with you and your family on Sunday, March 31st!

Our Motives Matter!

Family Dinner: March 19th – 25th

Open your Bibles to Colossians chapter 3, and read verses 22 and 23 together.

Our motives in serving and following God are really important to Him. People see the outward appearance, but God sees us on the inward; He sees our hearts. The book of James says our faith is dead if it doesn’t have good works, meaning we have to desire to do good works to the benefit of others if our faith is real and genuine! We’re not to please others by going on a mission trip, being baptized, or feeding the homeless, but to please and glorify God! The commands of God and doing good works are not to be burdensome, but we’re to desire to be cheerful and generous givers from our hearts. This is all an outpouring of our love for Jesus as we desire for others to know and love Him as well.

Discuss the following questions together as a family:

1. Which commandments are more difficult for you to obey and tend to be burdensome, why?

2. What are ways you can serve God? What good works can you do to the benefit of others and for God’s glory? 

3. What good work has someone done that blessed you in your life?

4. How have you served God in the past? What was a takeaway from that?

Put it into Practice! Pray and Ask God for an opportunity, and then RISE UP to do a GOOD WORK this week!

A Personal Touch from God

Family Dinner: March 12th – 18th

Open your Bibles to 1 Timothy chapter 2 and read verses 3 and 4 together.

God desires all to be saved and understand the truth. In God’s eyes, it’s GOOD for us to be saved so He made a way for us to be saved! The truth is that He sent Jesus to die for us on the cross. Jesus took on the wrath of God and He took the punishment of the sins of the world, becoming the Mediator between us and God. God reaches out and He personally touches our lives because of the Gospel, this good news of Jesus.

Discuss the following questions together:

1. What are ways that you can personally reach out, touch and bless someone else?

2. Share of a time that someone personally reached out and touched your life. What did they do? How did it make you feel?

3. Share your testimony. How has God personally touched and changed your life?

Put it into practice! Who in your life needs to hear the gospel? God desires them to be saved! Invite them to Easter!

Dealing with Difficult THINGS

Family Dinner: March 5th – 11th

Open your Bibles to the book of Joshua, chapter 1 and read verses 8 and 9 together.

When you’re seeking an answer in a troubled moment, do you go to friends, or do you go to God? Do you look for a ‘sign’, or do you look to God’s Word? God has already spoken all that we need to know, and it’s written down for us in the Bible, we just have to read it! He doesn’t suggest, but commands us to not be afraid, reassuring us that He’s with us wherever we go.

Discuss the following questions together!

1. What difficult thing have you walked through in the past? How did you get through it? How did God show up in a big way?

2. How is God’s success different than the world’s, or even our perspective of success?

3. Is it easy to always be strong and not afraid? What are we to do when we are walking through, “the valley of the shadow of death”?

4. What difficult thing are you currently walking through? How can your family help you biblically walk through this trial?

Put it into practice! Read Philippians 4:6-7. Pray, make your requests known to God and trust Him with the result. He will give you peace and joy amidst your trial.

Dealing with Difficult: PLACE

Family Dinner: February 27th – March 4th

Open your Bibles to Matthew chapter 7, and read verses 13 and 14 together.

We all find ourselves in difficult places in this life. Whether we get ourselves there, others get us there or God sovereignly leads us there. We’re promised that the walk with Jesus is not an easy one, and our hope and strength remains in our sovereign King. He is for us, not against us. He is with us, and He challenges us to be joyful through the promised trials of life. Who do you run to in the midst of your trial?

Discuss the following questions together:

1. Who do you talk to when you’re going through a difficult time? Why?

2. Jesus says, “…narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life…” Why isn’t it easy to follow and know God?

3. What difficult place have you ended up at? How did God show up?

Put it into practice! Pray for another family who doesn’t know Jesus, and invite them to attend Easter with your family on Sunday, March 31st at the Dignity Health Sports Park!