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Family Dinners

Family dinners are short devotions that you can share around your dinner table at home. Come back here every week for new devotions that you can use to encourage your family to follow the way of Christ.

Be ZEALOUS for Good Works!

Family Dinner: February 6th – 12th

Open your Bibles to Titus chapter 2 and read verse 14 together.

Jesus died for us and prayed that we would not be taken out of the world, but to stay in the world and to be His ambassadors (John 17). God has redeemed us and has us all here for a specific reason as His own special people. Ask God to show you the opportunities that He is providing for you to do good works for His glory!

Discuss the following questions together as a family:

1. What are ways to help us be zealous/passionate and dedicated to what God has called us to?

2. What should (and shouldn’t) we do when we’re not feeling so zealous for good works?

3. What ministry or opportunity has God given to you to point others to Jesus? What do you need help with to do this?

Put it into practice! Write out the opportunity(ies) that God is giving you to glorify Him, and the steps to walk in obedience. Then, GO!

Where sin abounds, GRACE abounds much more!

Family Dinner: January 30th – February 5th

Open your Bibles to Romans chapter 5 and read verse 20 together.

We often take God’s grace for granted. He has graciously given us a free gift of life. We didn’t do anything to deserve God’s love. We were His enemies and yet He chose to still die for us. We can never sin too much to lose His love and the free gift of eternal life with Him, but let’s be careful that we’re not taking Him for granted!

Discuss the following questions together:

1. Who is someone or something that you’ve taken for granted?

2. Why shouldn’t we just keep sinning all we want since grace will continue to cover over our sin?

3. How have you received God’s grace in your life?

Practical: As a family, thank God for His free gift of eternal life through prayer and worship.

How does your AROMA smell?

Family Dinner: January 23rd – 29th

Open your Bibles to 2nd Corinthians, chapter 2 and read verse 15 together.

We’re to be living our lives attracting others to Christ with our love and good works. Often times we get caught up with civilian affairs and repel others from Christ. It’s time to check the smell of our aroma, not to please people but to please our Father and to not be hypocrites.

Discuss the following questions together as a family:

1. What are ways my aroma could attract nonbelievers to Christ?

2. What are ways my aroma could repel nonbelievers from Christ?

3. Think of how you came to Christ. How did the aroma of the believers that you knew smell? What did they do to make it smell that way?

Practical: Take 5 mins and think of one way for you to improve the smell of your aroma. Discuss your ideas together after the time is up. Put them into practice and keep each other accountable!

Family Dinner: January 16th – 22nd

Be an Example!

Open your Bibles to 1 Timothy 4 and read verse 12.

Whether we’re young or a seasoned saint, we’re examples to others. What kind of example are you with how you walk with Christ?

Discuss the following questions together:

1. Which of these ways to set an example to others stands out, why?

2. Our words have power. Why is it important to “tame the tongue” as James says in James 3?

3. What are ways that I can set an example in love?                                         

4. Why is it important to be cautious of how I am as an example to the world?

Practical: Share an area you need to grow in and ask for help to grow in this area as an example of Jesus.

Family Dinner: January 9th – 15th

Our Belief effects our Behavior

Open your bibles for 1 John 5 and read verses 2 and 3 together.

What we believe effects how we behave. What we believe is our doctrine, and how we behave is our character. How do we know if we’re truly a loving and genuine follower of Jesus? If we love Jesus, obey Him and love people. Do you delight in obeying God’s commands, or are they a burden to you like a chore? Whatever you believe is how you will behave.

Discuss the following questions together:

1. What do you believe that effects how you behave?

2. How do I know if I am a loving Christian, and being a good ambassador for Jesus?

3. Has God ever commanded you to do something that felt like a burden? How did you get through it?

4. What should we do if God’s Word, or His commands become burdensome?

Practical: Go around the table and share your physical and spiritual New Years resolutions. What are you doing to help apply and achieve these resolutions in 2024?