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Family Dinners

Family dinners are short devotions that you can share around your dinner table at home. Come back here every week for new devotions that you can use to encourage your family to follow the way of Christ.

Family Dinner: January 3rd – 8th

Put on the NEW you!

Open your Bibles to Ephesians 4 and read verses 22 thru 24 together.

As we walk with Christ, He faithfully transforms us from to look more like Him. He has broken us free from our chains of old sin by His blood. He commands us here to not go back to our old ways, but to put it off, be renewed by the Holy Spirit and to put on the new man. We’re now a new creation in Christ!

Discuss the following questions together:

1. What does Paul mean by putting off the old man?

2. Why is it difficult to put off the old man?

3. How can we practically put on the new man? How does this look like in a person?

4. How does the Holy Spirit help us in putting off the old man and putting on the new man?

Practical: Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal where in your life you need to put off the old man and put on the NEW you!

December 28th – January 1st


HE is a Wonderful LIFE!

Open your Bibles to John chapter 14 and read verse 6 together.

Our God is everywhere, all the time, knows all things and has all power, He’s truly wonderful! He knows our every word, action and thought. Yet, God sent His one and only begotten Son to die on the cross for us. Let’s listen to the One who has been to both heaven and earth and gives us the way to get there. How wonderful is He?!

Discuss the following questions together:

1. Why can Jesus claim that “I am the way, the truth and the life.”?

2. Who would you listen to more, either your best friend/parent or God? Why?

3. Jesus also says “No one comes to the Father except through me.” How is Jesus the gateway to God the Father in heaven?

4. Is Jesus the only way to heaven? How do we know?

Practical: Reflect on God’s wonderfulness this past year. He knows all things, sees all things, hears all things and has all power, YET He still loves us. Our God is so wonderful!

Family Dinner: December 19th – 25th

Merry Christmas!


Open your Bibles to Isaiah chapter 25 and read verse 1.

Our God truly is wonderful. Don’t let your worldly situation distract or deter you from worshiping our faithful and true King Jesus who is still reigning and ruling on the throne. Praise His name for He is wonderful!

Discuss the following questions together as a family:

1. What about God is wonderful?                       

2. How has God been wonderful to you?

3. Isaiah 9:6 says Jesus’ name is “Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Which name stands out to you, why?     

4. What is God currently teaching you?        

Practical: This Christmas, reflect on Jesus this past year as a family. Share testimonies of His goodness and wonderfulness. Praise Him for all He has done this past year!

Family Dinner: December 12th-18th

Stir up LOVE and GOOD Works!

Open your Bibles to Hebrews chapter 10 and read verses 23 thru 25.

God’s Word is clear in that we’re commanded to run with Christ together. We cannot neglect the community of Christ, but instead we must stir up, build up and encourage each other. We’re in this race together, as a family, serving our Father. And should we just love on our family temporarily? No, His Word said until the Day that He returns is here!

Discuss the following questions together:

1. What is a way that you can build up a fellow brother or sister in Christ?                

2. How has a brother or sister in the church encouraged you before?                  

3. Why is the community of the church so important?                                                    

4. Why is it important for us to attend church in person and not just watch online from home?

Practical: Go around the table and give one encouragement to each family member. This is great practice with those whom you love, now go and do it in the church and in your world!

Family Dinner: December 5th – 11th

Run to WIN with humility!

Pray together as a family. Open your Bibles to James chapter 4 and read verses 4 thru 6.

We’re to run our race of following Jesus to win, not just to run for fun because losing isn’t fun. God’s Word tells us if we’re a friend with the world, we’re enemies to Him. Seek Him with all humility and He’ll give us grace, but if we’re prideful… we’re choosing to go to war against Him — spoiler alert: you’ll lose being on Satan’s team.

Discuss the below questions together:

1. Am I a Family Man/Woman? Why or Why not?                                                                 

2. Am I a Disciplined Man/Woman? Why or Why not?                                                      

3. What does it mean to be holy? How do I know if I’m holy or not? What do I do to stand out from the world?                            

4. What are practical steps that I could take to become God’s ideal man/woman?                                                

5. How can we run to win together as a family?

Put it into practice! Talk as a family and make practical steps to grow as a family in your walk together and in your personal walks with Christ!