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Family Dinners

Family dinners are short devotions that you can share around your dinner table at home. Come back here every week for new devotions that you can use to encourage your family to follow the way of Christ.

Family Dinner: September 17th-23rd

An Attitude of Praise

Open your Bibles to Psalm chapter 150 and read verses 2 and 6 together.

Remember Noah and the Ark? Who else was to get on the ark with Noah and his family? Two of every animal! Imagine they decided to disobey God, “Nah, I’m good, I’ll swim.” God’s Word says that everything that has breath is to praise God, always!

Discuss the following questions together:

1. Is it sometimes hard to praise God? What can we do to help us in those hard times?                                           

2. When was a time in the Bible that someone obeyed and praised God?                                        

3. What are specific things we can praise God for? Either any of His mighty acts or times when you witnessed His greatness?           

Practical: Pray, Praise and Seek God when you’re in a hard situation this week.          

Family Dinner: September 10th-16th

An Attitude of Praise

Open your Bibles to Psalm chapter 149 and read verse 1 together.

Have you ever listened to a really good song for the first time? You love it and want to hear it over and over again, and then all of a sudden, you’re singing it at work, at the grocery store, and at the gym. God loves when we have this heart attitude of praise towards Him, like a new song!

Discuss the following questions together as a family:

1. What is your favorite song? Why do you love that song? Do you know it word for word, can you sing and dance to it?                                                      

2. Why is it important to be together with other believers, praising God?        

3. How has God been good to you this past week? What is a recent praise report to thank God for? 

Practical: Listen to this original worship song (written by our CCSB Worship Team) together as a family, sing, worship and praise along to our King Jesus! Glory (King of Majesty) by South Bay Worship – 

Family Dinner: September 3rd-9th

An Attitude of Praise

Open your Bibles to Psalm chapter 148 and read verse 13.

There is no one worthy to be praised other than our God. He alone is good, faithful, perfect, and love. Our God is to be exalted over everyone and everything else!

Discuss the following questions together:

1. Who is God? What is His character like? Praise Him for WHO He is, not what He can do for you, or stuff He could give you.                                             

2. How do we know that our God is good and faithful? How has He been good and/or faithful to you?                 

3. God is self-sufficient, meaning He doesn’t need us, or anything additional. Why then are we supposed to praise Him?

Practical: Find a character in the Bible who praised God. When you find one, share it with your whole family!

Family Dinner August 27th-September 2nd

An Attitude of Praise

Open your Bibles to Psalm 147 and read verses 5 and 6 together.

As a believer, God has called you by name, He has a specific plan for your life. Our God is mighty and asks us to praise Him in humble surrender to His will.

Discuss the following questions together as a family!

1. What has God called you to, to serve Him, love His people, share the gospel?  

2. Why are we to approach God with humility and not pride?

3. Share of a time that you answered God’s call to GO. Either on a mission trip, or to share the gospel, to help someone in need or simply to go to church for the first time.

Practical: Take the extra step as a family to Praise the Lord! Some examples: Join a LIFE group, attend a second service throughout the week, start serving in a ministry.

Family Dinner: August 20th-26th

An Attitude of Praise

Open your Bibles to Psalm chapter 146 and read verses 5-7 together.

When we put our whole lives into trusting and following God, He provides us with true happiness; joy. Our God is Creator of all, and yet wants to be our personal Lord who is in control, and Savior who frees us through His Son, Jesus.

Discuss the following questions together as a family:

1. How does God help us in time of need? Is there anything we need to do?                          

2. How does it make you feel that God created ALL things and He wants a personal relationship with you?                                    

3. Praise God for your testimony! Go around the table and share how He has set you free! 

Practical: Praise God this week by sharing your faith with someone who doesn’t know Jesus, and share your testimony of what God has done in your own life!