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Prayer Request

Prayer Changes Everything

At CCSB, we know that prayer makes a difference. Please tap on the button below and fill out the form to share your prayer request.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


Prayer update: My sister Maria is in rehab from her falls and can’t lift her legs so they’ll start physical therapy. The medicine which wash given in October after the 2 electro shock for AFib had affected her thyroid and doctor thinks this is causing her dizziness, tiredness, off balance and just laying down. They started medication for thyroid treatment. The medication they’re giving for her bladder infection is working that she didn’t have to get up last night. Doctor said that her kidneys are affected but they’re looking into it. She’s very sick now and praying the doctors find out what’s going on. She said God is good and merciful and thanks everyone for all your prayers.

Received: June 19, 2024

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