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Prayer Request

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.


Please pray for my sister V. She is a 32 year-old Mom of 3 beautiful children ages 3, 4 and 6. She is battling mental illness from Bipolar and Postpartum Psychosis and has been in and out of mental health facilities prior but is now refusing to receive help and take her medications regularly. Her mental illness makes her very defiant and makes her believe there is nothing wrong with herself. She feels like everyone outside of her is out to get her and needs the help. She has been arrested 3 times in the past week and a half and now has a restraining order against her from her husband so he can protect the children until she seeks help. She violated the restraining order this morning because she missed her children and was sent back to jail for the 3rd time. We advocated to the Police about her mental illness and to see if they can take her to a mental health facility instead but they said being mentally ill is not a crime but violating an order is. She needs to be taken to a mental health facility not jail. My Mom and myself have tried to take her to multiple facilities to be evaluated but due to being a legal adult, she can't be admitted until she volunteers herself in or is seen by a psychiatrist but she refuses. She said she would rather go to a homeless shelter or be homeless on the streets. It's a very long and costly process to obtain conservatorship so someone else is able to make decisions on her behalf and she desperately needs the help now. Her husband, children and the rest of her family love her so much and this has been devastating for us all. My parents are getting physical ill because of this matter and have been crying every day. We just want our V. back, her children need there Mom back. Please pray that our Lord is able to transform her heart and mind and help her realize that she needs help for her mental health, before it's too late. We have tried all we can to help her. She's very ill and I know she's in God's hands but the more prayers the better. The enemy cannot win. Thank you so much, and God bless you.

Received: May 3, 2024

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