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Family Dinners

Family dinners are short devotions that you can share around your dinner table at home. Come back here every week for new devotions that you can use to encourage your family to follow the way of Christ.

GO turn the world UPSIDE DOWN!

Family Dinner: July 2nd – 8th

Open your Bibles to the book of Acts and read chapter 17, verse 6 together.

We got to celebrate all that God did this past week at VBS with our elementary kids in kidLIFE! We learned that came to flip the world UPSIDE DOWN to make it right side up! We’re to take the command to “GO!” seriously as the disciples did in flipping our dark, broken world UPSIDE DOWN for JESUS! When we fulfill the Great Commission to GO and make disciples, by the Great Commandment to LOVE GOD with ALL that we got and to LOVE OTHERS, then we can become Great Witnesses of Jesus!

Discuss your thoughts together as a family after reading Acts 17:6 together. Use these questions to help guide your conversation.

  1. What makes our world UPSIDE DOWN? How can we flip it and make it right side up?
  2. What does it mean to put ALL that we got into our spiritual walk of LOVING GOD and LOVING OTHERS? What are practical ways of doing this?
  3. How has God personally flipped your world UPSIDE DOWN, making it right side up?
  4. What is the Gospel? Practice sharing the Good News to each other.

Put God’s Word into action in flipping the world UPSIDE DOWN. GO and turn the world UPSIDE DOWN for JESUS! Share the gospel this week! GC2 = W

Witnesses of Jesus!

Family Dinner: June 25th – July 1st

Jesus told the apostles and the first church to not leave the city of Jerusalem until they received the promise of the Father and the power that He gives us! Who was Jesus talking about? Jesus was talking about the Holy Spirit! Jesus knows that we can’t do anything spiritual, like sharing the gospel or even read our Bibles without the Holy Spirit’s help. We receive the Holy Spirit and the power that He offers by becoming a child of God (accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and having a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father) and asking Him for this power to know Him and to make Him known!

After reading the verses together, discuss your thoughts. Use these questions to help guide your conversation!

1. What does a “witness” do? What does the Bible mean by being a “Witness of Jesus”?

2. Who gives us the power to be a Witness for Jesus? How do we receive Him and His power?

3. We’re to represent God, our Father! How are you witnessing to others and representing Him? What are bad ways to represent Him? What are good ways?

4. Where are you often at during the week? Who is one person that you know doesn’t know Jesus and that you can share the gospel with?

Put God’s Word into Action! Practice sharing the gospel to each other in your family. Now that you’re prepared and ready, GO and SHARE the Gospel this week to one person that doesn’t know Jesus!

Intimate and Intentional Communication with Dad

Family Dinner: June 18th – 24th

Open your Bibles to the book of Matthew chapter 6 and read verses 6, 7 and 8 together.

Do you ever take prayer for granted? We fall asleep while praying, we speed through a repetitive prayer, or we don’t even pray at all. Jesus models and sets the example for us in the importance of intimate and intention communication (prayer) with dad, our Heavenly Father. Jesus frequently went away to be alone with our dad to pray and talk to Him. The best way to grow in “knowing how to pray” is simply by praying! “…times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord” Acts 3:19b NKJV

After reading the verses together, discuss your thoughts. Use these questions to help guide your conversation!

1. Why is it important to pray and talk to our Heavenly dad? How does He talk back to us?

2. Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to “pray without ceasing”. What did he mean by this? Why is it important to always be praying? Should we pray about everything?!

3. How has prayer shaped your walk with Jesus? Why do you pray and talk to your Heavenly Dad?

Put God’s Word into Action! Slowly and intentionally pray through the prayer that Jesus set that example for us in Matthew 6:9-13.

Love Puts Others First

Family Dinner: June 11th – 17th

Open your Bibles to the book of Philippians and read chapter 2, verses 3 and 4 together.

We’re often times thinking about ourselves and prioritizing our interests over others. God’s kingdom is opposite of our world. We’re to lay down our lives for those around us and love others like Jesus loves us. Jesus came and died on the cross, looking to our benefit over His own.

After reading the verses together, discuss your thoughts. Use these questions to help guide your conversation!

  1. When was a time that you thought about yourself over someone else?
  2. Why do we think about ourselves over others? How can we put others before ourselves?
  3. How has God’s sacrificial love for you changed your life?

Put God’s Word into ACTION! Purpose to love selflessly and humbly, putting others before yourself.

    I am God’s child!

    Turn to First John chapter 3 and read verse 1 together in your Bibles!

    Our Father loves us more than we could ever imagine! He stepped down from glory in heaven to die on a cross for us on earth, so we could have a relationship with the Father! As His children, He longs to be in relationship with us. When we’re genuinely walking with Him, our lives change. We no longer want to practice sin, but we want to practice righteousness.

    After reading the verse, discuss your thoughts together! Use these questions below to help guide your conversation.

    1. Jesus was motivated to do the Father’s will because He knew the Father’s love for Him, no matter anyone else’s opinion. How should this change our motivation and perspective?

    2. The children of God are to practice righteousness to exemplify the Father. What are examples of practicing righteousness?

    3. If you knew Jesus was returning in 5 days, what would you change?

    Challenge yourself! Put God’s Word into practice as His children! There’s nothing better than to practice spirituality together as a family.

    • Memorize this week’s Selah Memory Verse: 1 John 4:17 “…as He is, so are we in this world.”